
Breakfast is one of the most important meals of the day. We also think that fresh buttered pretzels or delicious croissants should not be missing with coffee at the stand. Even if most visitors or employees already have breakfast at the hotel, we still like to offer our mini variants as a small morning snack.
If you´re looking for something heartier, take a look at our party rolls - one variation beats the other.

    [abbau_bis] => 
    [aufbau_von] => 
    [merkliste] => Array

    [preis_gruppe] => preis_Messe
    [preisschiene] => 0
    [rabatt] => 0
    [raum_gruppe] => Messe Hamburg
    [raum_name] => 
    [raum_nr] => 
    [shoptype] => catering
    [sid] => 56f1915d68da6d94320d84fa2f62c19c
    [sprache] => 2
    [stand_nr] => 
    [va_bis] => 
    [va_datum] => 
    [va_id] => 
    [va_name] => 
    [va_von] => 

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